About Us

It's been a long road to here from where it began over twenty-five years ago with an idea which has taken us down many twisty by-ways in the years since.

We thought we'd start a craft business making wooden toys and go and live somewhere nice and etc etc, well it was also a silly idea as we had no business experience and no woodworking skills.  Somewhere along the way we acquired some of both (and a son) and lots of difference experiences, both good and bad.  We've traded at craft fairs, country shows, festivals, a shop and now markets.  We've wholesaled to other shops, supplied tourist attractions, educational catalogues and Charity Christmas catalogues.  We've never made the same mistake twice but there's a lot of mistakes we've been able to make once!  At the present time we no longer have a regular pitch anywhere but trade a Christmas Market and a few other places during the year.  For details see our find us page

In addition to the market, on dry weekends and holidays throughout the year Stephen transforms himself into “Pedally Steve” and cuts his unique "Pedal Powered Names" on the corner of St Sampson's Square (map). The "Pedal Powered Names" (and the show) are only available from Steve in person. For more information about Pedally Steve go to his web site .